
I am Joan Ayebola

Frontend Developer and Technical Writer

My portfolio reflects my passion for both web development and technical writing

About Me

I am a frontend developer and technical writer with a keen eye for design and a strong understanding of HTML, CSS, JavaScript and React .
I craft visually appealing and user-friendly interfaces. My proficiency exceed beyond coding - I excel in translating complex technical concepts into easily understandable content, empowering users and fellow developers alike. I believe that the key to success in this field is a strong willingness to learn and a deep curiosity about how things work. I am excited to continue my journey in this field.

  • Front-end Development
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • React
  • Aug 2023 - Present
    Frontend and Technical Writing Lead at GDSC (OAUSTECH)
  • Sep 2023 - Present
    Technical Writer (Contributor) at FreeCodeCamp
  • Oct 2023 - Present
    Frontend and UI Research Lead at Inventors (OAUSTECH)
  • Mar 2023 - Present
    Technical Writer at SitePoint
  • 2023
    Web Development: HTML, CSS and JavaScript for Web Developers at John Hopkins University
  • 2022
    Web Development: The Web Development Bootcamp by Colt Steels on Udemy

My Publications

FreeCodeCamp is an online platform that offers free coding courses and resources to help individuals learn programming languages, web development, and related technologies. It was founded in 2014 by Quincy Larson and has since grown into a widely used resource for people looking to acquire coding skills.

"DEV," is a community-driven platform for developers, programmers, and technologists. On Dev.to, users can publish articles, tutorials, opinion pieces, and other content covering a wide range of topics within the realm of technology.

SitePoint is an online platform and resource hub primarily focused on web development and design. It offers a variety of content including articles, tutorials, courses, and books aimed at developers, designers, and entrepreneurs who are interested in building websites, web applications, and digital products.

My Recent Projects

Project 3

Photographer's Portfolio

I built this photographer's portfolio with HTML, CSS and JavaScript. It has grid layouts to showcase the gallery and a slidehsow to display the images individually

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Project 1

Restaurant Website

This website has a modern design and user-friendly interface. It includes essential information such as menu, location & open hours.

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Project 2

E-commerce Website

I crafted a dynamic E-commer website using HTML, CSS and JavaScript, complete with a seamless "Add to Cart" functionality.

View Project

Contact Me
